A once beautiful city. Now a forsaken ruin. Home to many evil creatures.
The only remnants are buried under the debris of war. The holdings and castles there now were built by the various invaders, while the 2 brothers engaged in fighting over the throne.
The Undead are the remains of the Undead Horde that attacked Licieria, and sent a small group of 3 armies to this now backwater.
Each faction has carved out an area of influence… over nothing. Sometimes they fight, then just quit, as there isn’t much here to fight over. Probably more to keep in practice than for any gains they hope to achieve. No one controls the parts outside the areas of influence of each group. Best not to travel there, unless need requires it.
Gone are the magnificent in-laid tile boulevards, the mansions, the shops, thinking streetlights, talking doors, oh, what magnificence. If only a small part of the rumors were true about Yal, it would have been a wondrous sight to see !
All gone now to dust and ruin.
The city was about 6 miles across.